Friday, February 15, 2008
Octagon Snowflake Finish
Wait until you see this! Faby has sent a picture of the Octagon Snowflake Fob (the first, larger version) stitched up, not as a fob, but as a little bag. Isn't it gorgeous!?! She does such beautiful work and I love the special touches she has added with the ribbons, beads and sequins. Please visit her blog for more pictures and some cute free charts she has designed and is sharing with her visitors. I've already printed out the Snowflake Biscornu to stitch. I hope I can do half the job on her chart that she has done on mine!!

A Finish to Show

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Thanks for the Encouragement!
Thanks to everyone who has left comments encouraging me to continue in the new direction I've chosen to go. In the past I hated to post if I didn't have a new chart ready to put up at the time since that was the purpose of the blog. I often have charts ready except they won't post to blogger straight from my design software, so I have to print them, then scan them and then save them as a jpeg file before I can upload them. Nothing hard, just a bit time consuming, and as any stitcher knows, time is the most precious thing of all! I will hopefully figure out an easier process, but until I have time to do so I will just have to keep plugging along as is. So lately I've been trying to get more stitching done which means less posting.....sigh. I wish I could quit working so I would have time to do more of both. Unfortunately I haven't figured out how to give up eating......or having a roof over my head.
Monday, February 4, 2008
This PIF Round is Full!
Thanks, Renée, for signing up for this PIF round! I'll let everyone know when I start the next one so if you didn't get in this time, don't despair! I am all about second chances!
Room for One More
I have room for one more person in my PIF round if anyone is interested. :0) And Aury, Jacqui, Michele and Sonya, please email me your mailing addresses so I'll know where to send your gifts. My email is: xstch crzy 2 @ yah oo. com (without the spaces, of course) Thanks, girls, for signing up - I'm looking forward to making something special for each of you!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
New Direction
I have decided to take a new direction with my blog. No, I'm not going to stop posting free charts (I know it must seem that way, since it's been a while!) but I am going to start posting pics of projects I'm working on, posting a little more about other stitchy stuff and generally making it a little friendlier. I started out wanting to keep it very anonymous because it is, afterall, on the Internet! However, over the past months, I have been hooked on reading the blogs of others and I realize that the ones I enjoy the most are the ones that give you a bit of insight into the writer. So, I will let a little of me come in - no, I'm not going to post about my life problems, etc., but more about my stitching philosophy, praises for other stitchers and designers and things of that nature. I LOVE stitching and I LOVE stitchers!! It is a great community that I am happy to be a part of. I wish I had time to stitch something special for each and every one. Since I don't, I will have to be satisfied with stitching for a few, and continuing to design for the rest. Happy Stitching to All!
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