First is the Hooked on Exchanging Scissors Fob package I put together for Nela in Venezuela. It was my first exchange and I had great fun checking out her likes on her blog, shopping for her and choosing the design to stitch. I used a chart from a kit, changing it a little to look like her cat, Minina. I gathered from her blog that she really liked cats, roses and the color pink, so my theme was set. I was so excited to get it sent off to her, posting it a little early and sending it International Priority so it would arrive in 6-10 days.....and the weeks dragged on....and on....and on......I began to panic and decided to start over and resend. The very day I had decided to start restitching the fob, I heard that the package was being held in customs so I had to send Nela a list of everything in the package so she could claim it. That was no problem, but I felt like it somewhat spoiled the surprise for her. I 'm so sorry it was such a hassle for her to receive it - I hope that she feels it was worth it. And finally, today, I have word that she actually has it all in hand!!!
While I was waiting for my scissor fob for Nela to reach her, my own fob exchange package arrived from Melissa. It's a Drawn Thread design stitched on R&R fabric with silks. She also sent some extra goodies - some calico fabrics, Dark Chocolate Peppermint Stick Cappuccino mix and some cute Mary Engelbreit notecards and sticky notes - way too cute! THANK YOU, MELISSA! Here is a picture of the whole package and one of the fob attached to a pair of my scissors.

Now I'm waiting for my biscornu package to make its way to my exchange partner. I thought it might arrive today or tomorrow. In the meantime, I received my biscornu from the exchange from Perri in Australia. It came in a brightly colored gift box with purple stripes and circles in several shades of pink. She sent a beautifully stitched and finished biscornu using a design from one of my friends (and favorite designers!), Barabara Ana! I read on the HoE blog that this is Perri's first exchange and she did a wonderful job putting together a special package. Along with the expertly done biscornu (Her blog tells me this is the first biscornu she has made, but you wouldn't know that from looking at it!), she also included a very generous piece of 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen, a skein of beautiful Australian hand-dyed size 8 pearl cotton, a package of Size 26 (my favorite size to use) Piecemaker needles and a really cute "Twisted Whiskers" spiral notepad. Thanks for everything, Perri!!
Hello Sharon! Your biscornu arrived today! I LOVE it! The colors are so pretty - so spring-like (we're expecting more snow tonight!) I'll get pictures posted shortly. Thanks for the extra goodies - you made my day!
Nela esta muy muy muyyyyyyyy encantada por tan bello trabajo. el solo haber hechop la dedicacion en español se agradece con todo mi corazon... Amo el plnificador... mañana puedo mostrarte mi coleccion de cosas gatunas.. mi planificador de este año asi como el que enviaste no lo consegui sole tengo la agenda anual.. alli yo anoto mis intercambios, asi que mil gracias... Y si amo el rosa... muccho ya empese a boradr el kit que me enviaste... gracias...
What great exchanges. Do you know why customs held her package? Thats so weird but thankfully she was able to get it. :)
Beautiful exchanges!! I am so excited that yours finally reached Nela! I had not realized that you had not recieved yours until now...?? I need to go and see how I missed that - Melissa did a beautiful job!
Carol, you didn't miss anything! I received my beautiful fob from Melissa weeks ago - I posted about it on the HoE blog but it didn't occur to me to post it here on my blog until now. Sorry I wasn't very clear on that.
Look at all these lovely things that you've put together here! Love the fob and I'm sure that all the recipients are just tickled speechless! I love the fob you received as well :)
Nela it's definitely really happy with all the wonderfull things that you sent her!!!She really love that you stitch spanish words in it. Great research job Sharon!!
Heidi as I understood in Nela's page, by law customs in Venezuela held all the packages, no special reason, you have to go and declare content at pick up time
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