I have been asked if I have a newsletter and I must answer no, I don't. I have thought about having one before but I quickly realized I wouldn't have time to do one and what would I say? I love reading
stitchy newsletters, keeping up with what's new, etc., but since I don't have anything to sell, no club or guild news (I don't belong to any) to report and no classes to offer, it wouldn't be much of a newsletter. I'm doing good to just blog every now and then. But, thanks very much for asking because I know it means you are interested and
I really appreciate that!It has also been suggested that I set up an SAL with some of my charts. That's a
great idea.....for someone else. The problem is I am a dropout. Not just a dropout but, a
serial dropout. In January of this year, I signed up for three (yes, that's 3!)
SAL's and I was
sooooo excited to do them - I loved the projects and couldn't wait to get going on them! I did actually start stitching on one (yes, that's 1!) of them. You can see the project
here and you can see the graduates' projects
here. And here is my progress at the beginning of March......
Now, I have made a lot more progress since this photo....but I'm
still not finished with this tree!!! The crazy part is, I
love stitching on this - the silk feels wonderful and I love the chart but I just never seem to find much time to work on it. And now you see why my designs are small, quick to stitch projects - they have to be for me, the Serial Dropout! However, if someone else would like to set up an SAL using some of my charts, they are more than welcome to do so and I will be glad to add a link and updates here but I can't be trusted to run the show. I do have a new needlework smalls set starting that might work for something like that.......