This year has been completely ridiculous! How can so many things go wrong? Becky's death left us shorthanded at work just as we hit an especially busy time, so I averaged 75 hours a week for about a month - leaving no time or energy for anything else. I managed to catch the flu. I didn't go to the doctor so I don't know if it was "swine flu" or one of the others going around so I'm calling it "piglet flu," because I had a fairly mild case, but it did take about 10 days to get over the severe cough that came with it. But I did get over it and felt much better. So much better, in fact, that I decided to get the oil changed and a headlight replaced on my vehicle. Walking through the parking lot to pick it up, I stepped in a broken spot in the pavement and severely sprained my ankle. After hobbling around on it for a week, I finally went in and had an x-ray, mostly so everyone would stop worrying about it - because it was feeling much, much better by then. So after walking into the clinic, back to the examining room, back to x-ray, back to the examining room - they inform me my leg is broken and to stop walking on it! So now I have this truly elegant new footwear:
- I know, I know, everyone is jealous and wishes they had one, too.